Building of capacities for Application of Pollution Prevention Strategy in Moldovan Industry
Our project team works continuously for more than 7 years in this post-USSR country. The target of all activities implemented is minimizing of negative impacts of human and industrial activities. We co-operate with majority of Moldovan industrial enterprises and municipalities. In the first period, our activities have been targeted on common promotion of pollution prevention practices, since 2002, in accordance with our policy and Moldovan needs, we concentrate on work in water management area.
Due to our long-term presence in this country, we may say that we know Moldova really well — from local industry to technologies used, from decision making procedures to those people who decide.
In close co-operation with local partner we take part in local environmental and engineering exhibitions, we organise seminars and trainings, we consult in local legal committees in order to draft new Moldovan water act.
In co-operation with local partner we put into operation more than 20 wastewater treatment plants that treat more than 125.000 m3 of waste water per year.
In 2006, we have initialised production of small wastewater treatment units in Moldova, starting from less sophisticated technologies like oil traps and sorption unit for oil removal. In 2006 and 2007, we start production of bigger biological plants in Moldova up to 300 PE. Since 2006 we are also involved in projection work for newly built big wastewater treatment plants for 5 cities.
We closely co-operate with the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Moldova on implementation of this project.